Emergency obstetrics [videorecording] / produced by American Safety Video Publishers, a division of Mosby-Year Book. Inc., in cooperation with Scott Bourn Associates, Inc.
全民英檢初級 : 聽力.閱讀能力測驗 / 國際語言中心委員會編撰.
一本突破中式英文盲點 [電子書] : 掌握華人學英語發音.文法.字彙關鍵 / 張西亞著
中式英文面面觀 [電子書] : 英漢辭典主編用近1000則例句,教你全面破解中式英文的謬誤 / 簡清國著
Head and spine trauma [videorecording] / produced by American Safety Video Publishers, a division of Mosby-Year Book, Inc., in cooperation with Scott Bourn Associates.