
資料來源: Google Book

Women and health [electronic resource] : global lives in focus / AnnJanette Alejano-Steele, editor.


The health and wellbeing of the world's population matters, but many of the female half experience unequal access to information and care that increases their health risks. This global women's health volume delves into a number of health and social factors that combine to create a lower quality of life for women. Each chapter represents a global region, featuring three to four countries, and reviews health goals and outcomes relative to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and World Health Organization discussions on social determinants of health. Chapters are organized to invite readers to consider environmental conditions and social determinants that create gender inequities in health around the globe. Cultural forces that impact health, including environmental risks; access to health care; reproductive health; infectious and noncommunicable diseases; behavioral/mental health; and intersectional identity considerations such as religion, ethnicity, and LGBTQ identity issues.


"This volume on global women's health provides a broad overview of many conditions that impact women's health, including social and economic inequities and examples of health advocacy"--

資料來源: Google Book
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