Acid Alkaline Diet For Dummies [electronic resource] / Julie Wilkinson.
- 作者: Wilkinson, Julie, author.
- 其他作者:
- 出版: Mississauga, Ontario : Wiley 2013.
- 叢書名: For Dummies
- 主題: Acid-base imbalances--Diet therapy--Popular works. , Acid-base imbalances--Diet therapy--Recipes. , Reducing diets.
- 版本:1st ed.
- ISBN: 9781118414217 (ebk.): NT1168 、 9781118414187 (pbk.)
- URL:
- 一般註:E1111學校採購Wiley電子教科書
- 系統號: 000297302 | 機讀編目格式

Restore your pH balance and live a healthier life Our caveman ancestors followed a diet full of fresh fruits andvegetables, nuts, and legumes, but with time and the advent ofagriculture, our diets changed drastically to include grains, dairyproducts, salt, and large quantities of meat. These new foodsaltered the level of acid in our diets, disrupting our ideal pHbalance and increasing the loss of essential minerals, making usmore prone to illness. This easy-to-follow guide shows you how a simple change in dietto restore your body's crucial pH balance can help you lose weight,combat aging, and keep you healthy! Acid Alkaline Diet ForDummies covers the gamut of this healthy lifestyle choice, fromthe symptoms of a high acid diet to the food you should have onhand to implement an acid alkaline diet—and everything inbetween. Covers food to avoid and food with a high alkaline quality Discusses how to lose weight with the acid alkaline diet Offers trusted guidance on how the acid alkaline diet canprevent illnesses like brain disorders, asthma, heart disease,diabetes, arthritis, and many more Includes 40+ healthy recipes to help balance your pH Acid Alkaline Diet For Dummies is essential reading forthe millions of people with health problems interested in combatingillness with a holistic, successful lifestyle change.
Acid Alkaline Diet For Dummies.