
資料來源: Google Book

Global TESOL for the 21st century [electronic resource] : teaching English in a changing world / Heath Rose, Mona Syrbe, Anuchaya Montakantiwong, Natsuno Funada.


This book explores the impact of the spread of English on language teaching and learning. It provides a framework for change in English language teaching to better reflect global realities and current research. The authors examine the pedagogical implications of the global spread of English, drawing on world Englishes, English as a lingua franca, and global Englishes research. The book proposes key innovations for teaching English as an international language, and outlines key areas for future classroom-based research. The book is essential reading for postgraduate researchers, teachers and teacher trainers in TESOL and second language education programmes.


This book explores the impact of the spread of English on language teaching and learning. It provides a framework for change in the way English is taught to better reflect global realities and to embrace current research. The book is essential reading for postgraduate researchers, teachers and teacher trainers in TESOL

資料來源: Google Book
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