

Sharing perspectives on English-medium instruction [electronic resource] / Katherine Ackerley, Marta Guarda & Francesca Helm (eds).

  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • Linguistic Insights : studies in language and communication ;
  • 出版: Bern : Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften 2017.
  • 叢書名: Linguistic Insights : studies in language and communication ;v.222
  • 主題: English language--Europe--Standardization. , English language--Social aspects--Europe. , English language--Social aspects--Italy. , English language--Study and teaching (Higher)--Europe. , English language--Study and teaching (Higher)--Italy.
  • ISBN: 9783034325387 (electronic bk.) 、 9783034325370 (paper)
  • URL: 點擊此處查看電子書
  • 一般註:Includes bibliographical references. Acknowledgements - Francesca Helm: Introduction to this volume - Robert Wilkinson: Trends and Issues in English-Medium Instruction in Europe - Francesca Costa: English-medium instruction in Italian universities: If we're gonna do it do it right - right? - Attilio Motta: Nine and a half reasons against the monarchy of English - Attilio Motta: Nove ragioni e mezzo contro la monarchia dell'inglese - Fiona Dalziel: EMI at the University of Padova: an ecology of learning and teaching - Suzanne Cloke: The teacher trainer - Sara Pittarello: The International Relations officer - Sonia Gelain: The student services officer - Marta Guarda/Francesca Helm: A survey of lecturers' needs and feedback on EMI training - Marta Codato/Ines Testoni: The social psychologists - Eleonora di Maria: The economist - Barbara Gatto: The pharmaceutical scientist - Roberto Mantovani: The biostatistician - Lorenza Perini: The gender historian - Alessandra Petrina: The literary scholar - Antonio Quinci: The physiotherapist - Luigi Salmaso: The statistician - Tommaso Sitzia: The forest ecologist - Nadia Ursino: The civil engineer - Antonino Vallesi: The cognitive neuroscientist - Massimiliano Zattin: The geologist - Katherine Ackerley: What the students can teach us about EMI and language issues - Caroline Klark: Perceptions of EMI: the students' view of a Master's degree programme - Notes on Contributors
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000291478 | 機讀編目格式



English is increasingly used as a medium of instruction in European higher education not only in northern countries, but also in the European 'south'. This volume is fruit of a project which was carried out in a public university based in the north-east of Italy with the aim of delivering professional development for university lecturers engaged in EMI. It begins with an overview of the European context, the Italian context, and some of the arguments against the indiscriminate spread of English as a medium of instruction in higher education. The volume then focuses on the microcontext of the university, giving voice to the various stakeholders in EMI. These include researchers, lecturers, administrative staff, those involved in professional development and students. The central part of the volume presents the views and experiences of twelve EMI lecturers from a range of academic disciplines. In sharing these perspectives on EMI, the volume hopes to stimulate critical dialogue and research on the many issues involved in this aspect of internationalisation in higher education institutions.

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