
資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊

新制多益聽力題庫 [電子書] : 短獨白(附詳盡解析) = TOEIC / Amanda Chou著

  • 作者: Chou, Amanda
  • 其他作者:
  • 其他題名:
    • TOEIC
    • 短獨白(附詳盡解析)
    • 短獨白附詳盡解析
    • 短獨白, 附詳盡解析
    • 考用英語系列 ;
  • 出版: 新北市 : 倍斯特 2020[民109]
  • 叢書名: 考用英語系列 ;27
  • 主題: 多益測驗
  • 版本:初版
  • ISBN: 9789869807975 (電子資源) 、 9869807976 (電子資源)
  • URL: 點擊此處查看電子書
  • 一般註:2021上Hyread電子書 教育部補助款 資料型式 : 文字 檢索型式 : 電子書服務平台 本電子書不含光碟, 為有聲電子書 版權頁副題名: 短獨白, 附詳盡解析
  • 語文註:中英對照
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000286921 | 機讀編目格式






The city specializes in preserving Taiwanese culture, but was also once host to Fort Zeelandia – the Dutch port that was the primary city from which that country traded with E. Asia.

Traditionally, the fish fingerlings are caught in the open sea, then raised in ponds or under-water cages of warm, brackish coastal water.

The best beef soup to be found on Tainan’s streets uses local beef that comes fresh daily from the beef cattle farms near Tainan.


●Star fruit – also known as carambola – is a sweet and juicy tropical fruit with five distinct ridges running its length. Carambola’s roots, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits all can be used for medicinal purposes. Carambola contains sucrose, fructose, glucose, malic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid and vitamins B1, B2, C and protein. In ancient times, it was used for its antibiotic effect to fight malaria. Star fruit in Taiwan is commonly used for sore throat. Turning the fruit into fermented juice is as simple as combining equal parts sliced fruit and sugar in a large jar, covering it to keep the insects out, and setting the jar in the sun for a few days.


此題屬於細節題,題目大詢問新聞沒報導的部分。新聞中提The whale that was found in shallow water has been saved.(被發現在淺水水域擱淺的鯨魚已被救了)。Let’s see the video. 讓我們看下視頻。There is a giant automatic machine at Best Department.在倍斯特百貨公司有個巨型販售機器。內容沒有提到水上運動。

本題考細節題。天氣預報是多益聽力的必考主題,考生只要熟悉常用的氣候現象的單字,並掃描哪個選項有類似描述,極容易得分。注意此篇先報導關於鯨魚,接著提及巨型機器的新聞,直到Coming up,接下來,這一轉折詞才暗示考生記者要轉換話題,除了轉折詞很重要,the weather report 也是關鍵線索字。(A)及(B)是陷阱選項,雖然whale,department store都是新聞提及的單字,但不符合題目問的時間點this weekend。(C)的typhoon,颱風,全篇未提。


在世界許多熱帶沿海地區,蝦是一種主食。在東南亞小型的蝦養殖可以追溯到至少 15 世紀。台灣是最早在南部以產業規模做蝦養殖,並迅速成為出口蝦的最大供應商之一。不幸的是,在 80 年代期間的產業和環境,因為不當做法而遭受巨大損失。由於蝦是相對容易生長,由蝦卵到成蝦的成熟只需要六個月的成長期,所以在台灣許多傳統菜餚把蝦當作食材並不奇怪。

In many tropical, coastal areas of the world, shrimp is a staple food. Cultivating shrimp in small agricultural settings goes back to at least the 15th century in southeast Asia. Taiwan was an early adopter of fish farming on an industrial scale in the southern part of the island and quickly became one of the largest suppliers of exported shrimp. Sadly, the industry and the environment suffered great losses due to unsustainable practices during the 1980s. Since shrimp are relatively easy to grow and need only six months to mature from an egg to an adult shrimp, it’s not surprising that shrimp is an ingredient in many traditional dishes in Taiwan.

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊
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Amanda Chou

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊