
資料來源: Google Book

Joomla! web security [electronic resource] : secure your Joomla! website from common security threats with this easy-to-use guide / Tom Canavan.


This book will give you a strong, hands-on approach to security. It starts out with the most basic of considerations such as choosing the right hosting sites then moves quickly into securing the Joomla! site and servers. This is a security handbook for Joomla! sites. It is an easy-to-use guide that will take you step by step into the world of secured websites. This book is a must-read for anyone seriously using Joomla! for any kind of business, ranging from small retailers to larger businesses. With this book they will be able to secure their sites, understand the attackers, and more, without the drudging task of looking up in forums, only to be flamed, or not even find the answers. Prior knowledge of Joomla! is expected but no prior knowledge of securing websites is needed for this book. The reader will gain a moderate to strong level of knowledge on strengthening their sites against hackers.

資料來源: Google Book
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