
資料來源: Google Book

An introduction to excellence in practice development in health and social care [electronic resource] / Rob McSherry and Jerry Warr.


The first in a new series, this introductory text outlines what is meant by excellence in practice and explores the core contemporary issues used to illustrate excellence, including evidence-based practice, clinical governance, and health and social care standards. McSherry and Warr offer simple and effective tools and techniques to support the development of excellence in practice. The book also provides guidance to support the individual, team and organisation in achieving excellence in practice. All topics covered are key to the Quality and Modernisation Agendas, and the book includes coverage on: Reshaping healthcare delivery Clinical governance Responsibility and accountability Implementing government targets and National Service Frameworks Public confidence Partnerships and collaborative working Equality and diversity Autonomy Recruitment and retention Real life practical examples and reflective exercises are used throughout to help the reader explore what excellence means in their everyday practice, as well as enforce the theory needed to inform delivery of excellence. An Introduction to Excellence in Practice Development in Health and Social Care is key reading for nurses and health and social care professionals, both in training and in practice.

資料來源: Google Book
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