Gentle yoga for Parkinson : videorecording / continuing education directed by Chris Bright; produced by Jeanne Csuy; edited by Scott Rouse.
- 作者: Bright, Chris
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- continuing education
- Parkinson's fitness series
- 出版: Naples, FL : National Educational Video c2006.
- 叢書名: Parkinson's fitness series.NEVCO health care educationhpar13
- 主題: Exercise--Health aspects , Mental health services , Nervous system--Diseases , Parkinson's disease , Physical fitness , Therapeutics , Yoga , Parkinson's disease--Exercise therapy , Educational films
- 一般註:Chinese title: 帕金森氏症患者的運動選擇 : 溫和的瑜珈 Cover title: Gentle yoga for Parkinson's patients
- 語文註:Language:English
- 系統號: 000250539 | 機讀編目格式

This instructor-led video provides Parkinson's patients with a complete yoga workout that relies on stretching andstrengthening to make the activities of daily living-sitting, standing, bending, twisting, reaching-easier and safer. Through a mix of seated and standing poses and exercises, the program stresses moving with intention while staying rooted in the "now."Also, deep cleansing breathing is emphasizedvia classic yogic techniques such as Victorious Breath, Lion's Breath, and Bellows Breath. "For our bodies we seek health and energy; for our minds, clarity and focus; and for our spirit, empowerment and