Daily exercise for Parkinson : videorecording / continuing education directed by Chris Bright; produced by Jeanne Csuy; edited by Scott Rouse.
- 作者: Bright, Chris
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- continuing education
- Parkinson's fitness series
- 出版: Naples, FL : National Educational Video c2010.
- 叢書名: Parkinson's fitness series.NEVCO health care educationhpar11
- 主題: Parkinson's disease , Parkinson's disease--Exercise therapy
- 一般註:Chinese title: 帕金森氏症患者的每日運動指南 Cover title: Daily exercise for Parkinson's patients
- 語文註:Language:English
- 系統號: 000250537 | 機讀編目格式
This instructor-led physical fitness video offers a daily regimen of strengthening, range-of-motion, balance, and breathingexercises forpeople with Parkinson's disease. Gentle seated calisthenics and stretches include neck rotations and head sweeps, shoulder rolls, trunk stretches, rowing and swimming motions, arm and wrist circles, finger stretches, marching, hip rotations, hamstringstretches, ankle flexes and rotations, and lower back stretches. Gentle seated Thera-Band muscle-toning exercises include shoulder blade pinches, shoulder joint flexes, triceps curls, rowing motions, marching, thigh flexes, and ankle flexes.