當人們開始老化時, 大腦衰退, 記憶力逐漸喪失, 嚴重者會罹患失憶症或阿茲海默症, 本節目介紹卡沙醫師正在推行的一項特殊的計劃, 如何訓練大腦保持記憶力,可以延緩老化失憶情形的發生, 而醫學界證實, 老年人最適合的運動就是太極拳, 它不但讓人恢復彈性, 而且讓老人保持平衡避免摔跤
老而彌堅 [錄影資料] 記憶動作俱佳 = Aging well : memory and movement.
保護照護者 [錄影資料] 被攻擊時的非暴力反應 = Protecting the caregiver : non-violent response to physical assaults.
醫療院義工如何避免病患的暴力攻擊行為 [錄影資料] Managing aggressive behavior for volunteers : helping volunteers to understand patient needs.
老年憂鬱症 [錄影資料] Late life depression : depression in the elderly.
健康的退休生活 [錄影資料] Retired & well being : realistic planning and advice.
深愛的陌生人 [錄影資料] Beloved strangers : caring for a loved one with alzheimer's disease.