大約有四百萬美國人罹患了阿茲海默症, 嬰兒潮世代也已邁入老化, 估計未來的十年內, 阿茲海默症的患者將會倍增, 如何照顧阿茲海默症患者將是照護者最困難的問題; 本節目帶領觀眾深入三個家庭<<醫生、新婚夫妻和祖孫三代>>去瞭解家有阿茲海默症患者, 而家人是照護者時將會發生那些問題
深愛的陌生人 [錄影資料] Beloved strangers : caring for a loved one with alzheimer's disease.
老人醫學照顧 [錄影資料] 寵物治療法 = Geriatric care : healing with animals.
醫療院義工如何避免病患的暴力攻擊行為 [錄影資料] Managing aggressive behavior for volunteers : helping volunteers to understand patient needs.
讓家裡更適合老人居住 [錄影資料] Adapting homes to successful age in place : important information to know at home.
老而彌堅 [錄影資料] 記憶動作俱佳 = Aging well : memory and movement.
保護照護者 [錄影資料] 被攻擊時的非暴力反應 = Protecting the caregiver : non-violent response to physical assaults.