
資料來源: 三民書局

Oxford desk reference. Toxicology / edited by Professor D. Nicholas Bateman [and four others].


Overdose and poisoning are one of the most frequent acute medical presentations seen in emergency departments, and high dependency and intensive care facilities. The Oxford Desk Reference: Toxicology


Overdose and poisoning are amongst the most frequent acute medical presentations. The Oxford Desk Reference: Toxicology provides trainees and consultants working in emergency medicine, acute medicine, and critical care with an authoritative guide for the management of patients with poisoning. Contributions from the leading figures in toxicology present the most up-to-date evidence base and current clinical guidelines to ensure the most appropriate patient management. The text outlines key clinical features and potential treatment options in order to help physicians assess the potential severity of the poisoned patient and provide the optimum clinical care. Presented in an easy-to-use double-page spread format, highly bulleted and concise, the Oxford Desk Reference: Toxicology is ideal for quick referral by physicians working in emergency departments, general medical wards, and high dependency and intensive care facilities. 1. Scientific principles in clinical toxicology, 2. General Management of the poisoned patient, 3. Common complications of poisoning, 4. CNS drugs 5. Analgesics 6. Cardiovascular acting agents, 7. Other common pharmaceutical toxins, 8. Drugs of abuse, 9. Common chemical poisonings, 10. Poisoning due to metals, and their salts, 11. Household products, 12. Pesticides, herbicides, and rodenticides, 13. Poisoning due to fungi, plants, and animals, 14. Chemical warfare agents, 15. Principles of radiation toxicology, 16. Occupational and industrial aspects of toxicology assessment. Book jacket.

資料來源: 三民書局
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