
資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊

人畜共通傳染病臨床指引 = A clinical guide to zoonoses / 行政院衛生署疾病管制局等編 ; 劉振軒等執行編輯.


過去二十年來,全球新與與再浮現人畜共通傳染病之疫情頻仍,而嚴重威脅人類及動物健康。為加強臨床工作人員對於人畜共通傳染病之認知並應實務工作之需要,於2005年出版第一本由國內以臨床為導向編寫的人畜共通傳染病專書,以提供第一線醫護人員參考。第二版仍依病原之特性分類編纂,內容除了更新第一版各章節內容及增加圖片外,另外加入八種新的疾病及抗微生物製劑使用原則的介紹等章節,亦以口袋書方式印製,期能方便臨床醫護人員工作時隨手翻閱即時參考之目的。 The emerging and re-emerging diseases have a devastating impact on both human and animal health worldwide in past twenty years, in which zoonotic diseases have particularly raised much attention. Facing the invasion of so many unpredictable pathogens and emergence of bioterrorism as a global threat, a pocket book of first edition of “A clinical guidance to zoonoses” has provided a useful reference book for all medicine relevant workers to control zoonotic diseases and protection of public health since 2005. The 2nd edition is compiled according to the cause of disease as previous edition, however, renews all chapters in the first edition and adds 8 new diseases and a chapter of use of antimicrobial agents. Anyone with an interest in zoonotic diseases will find this book is packed with new information and comprehensive as a reference book.

資料來源: TAAZE 讀冊
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