Cover letters for Dummies [electronic resources] / Joyce Lain Kennedy.
- 作者: Kennedy, Joyce Lain
- 出版: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2009.
- 叢書名: For Dummies
- 主題: Applications for positions , Cover letters
- 版本:3rd ed.
- ISBN: 0470402210 (pbk.) 、 9780470402214 (pbk.) 、 9780470466803 (electronic bk.)
- URL:
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- 一般註:100-101年度中區共購共享學術電子書
- 系統號: 000234748 | 機讀編目格式

Cover letters are alive and sell! When they’re written right, that is. To stand out in today’s sea of qualified job seekers, learn to craft riveting new breeds of cover letters, create vibrant images online, and discover sensational self-marketing documents you never imagined. This completely revised and updated 3rd Edition of Cover Letters For Dummies brings you all this — plus over 200 great new samples by 62 successful professional cover letter/resume writers. You’ve probably suspected that passive and sleepy cover letters merely hugging resumes won’t get you where you want to go. Especially in a shaky job market. The verdict’s in. Since the last edition of Cover Letters For Dummies, blazing fast change in tools, technology, and how hiring managers come calling and how we invite them to look us over, means big dramatic changes in our job messages. In this exceptional handbook of contemporary job messages, you’ll discover fresh ways of thinking about cover letters that captain an entire team of new-style job messages.