Handbook of evidence-based psychodynamic psychotherapy : bridging thegap between science and practice / Raymond A. Levy, J. Stuart Ablon, editors ; foreword by Glen O. Gabbard.
- 其他作者:
- 出版: New York, NY : Humana Press c2009.
- 叢書名: Current clinical psychiatry
- 主題: Evidence-Based Practice--methods , Mental Disorders--therapy , Psychotherapy--methods
- ISBN: 9781597454445 (ebk) 、 9781934115114 (bound): NT2,974
- URL:
- 一般註:Includes bibliographical references and index
- 系統號: 000234322 | 機讀編目格式

The importance of conducting empirical research for the future of psychodynamics is presented in this excellent new volume. In Handbook of Evidence Based Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice, the editors provide evidence that supports this type of research for two primary reasons. The first reason concerns the current marginalization of psychodynamic work within the mental health field. Sound empirical research has the potential to affirm the important role that psychodynamic theory and treatment have in modern psychiatry and psychology. The second reason that research is crucial to the future of psychodynamic work concerns the role that systematic empirical investigations can have in developing and refining effective approaches to a variety of clinical problems. Empirical research functions as a check on subjectivity and theoretical alliances in on-going attempts to determine the approaches most helpful in working with patients clinically. Handbook of Evidence Based Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice brings together a panel of distinguished clinician-researchers who have been publishing their findings for decades. This important new book provides compelling evidence that psychodynamic psychotherapy is an effective treatment for many common psychological problems.