教你說會議英語 = Everything you need to know about English for meetings / 賴世雄總編審.
情境商用英語. [electronic resources] / 2. 初級篇, 新手上路 賴世雄, Bruce Bagnell編著.
情境商用英語. [electronic resources] / 3. 初級篇, 初入職場 賴世雄, Bruce Bagnell編著.
教你說會展英語 / 吳崇維等編輯.
聚焦全民英檢 : 中級模擬測驗 = Focus on GEPT : with 6 comprehensive simulated tests and full explanations, this test book is sure to help you score high on the authentic test / 賴世雄總編審.
New TOEIC必考單字片語 [電子書] : 突破900分最新秘法 = Essential words & phrases for the New TOEIC test / 張小怡, Johnson Mo合著
字根.字首.字尾NEW TOEIC必考單字[有聲] [電子書] : 最強多益單字記憶法,輕鬆突破900分 = Essential words for the new toeic test / 張小怡, Johnson Mo著
新版多益聽力攻略 [electronic resources] / 賴世雄編著.
TOEIC全真模擬測驗 / 賴世雄著.
新版多益文法攻略 = New TOEIC : 多益文法攻略 / 賴世雄編著.