

Asia-Pacific financial markets [electornic resources] integration, innovation and challenges edited by Suk-Joong Kim, Michael D. Mckenzie.



This volume of International Finance Review focuses on the Asia-Pacific financial markets. A total of 22 original papers, not published elsewhere, have been selected from a competitive field. These papers utilize a variety of methods, including theoretical, empirical and qualitative to highlight a range of issues across the region. Several papers offer combinations of these different categories and among the empirical papers, there are a wide variety of datasets analyzed. While China doesplay a significant part in the analysis of five of the papers in this volume (this is to be expected given its importance in the region), a host of other countries are also considered. This ensures the volume is truly international in its scope. These papers each serve to contribute to the knowledge on a particular issue related to the financial marketswithin this region and for this volume, three main issues have been identified: integration, innovation and challenges. Articles are contributedby experts in their fields. It is truly international in scope

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