

Emerging European financial markets [electornic resources] independence and integration post-enlargement edited by Jonathan A. BattenColm Kearney.



This volume is concerned with contributing to the growing body of literature that examines the extent of, and the implications of enhanced independence and integration that will result from therecent EU enlargement for the development of emerging European financial markets. The objective is to provide a perspective on the nature and complex problemsassociated with financial market development in the emerging European economies and their relationships with the EU (and other major regions)in the post-EU enlargement environment. The volume is divided into five parts. Part A focuses on theimportant implications for fiscal policy, part B deals with monetary policy and banking, part C explores issuesconcerned with financial innovation and liberalization, part D examines recent developments in equity market integration, and part E looks atthe implications. It fills a substantial gap inthis field. Broad in scope, it serves as an invaluable reference for those interested in European Financial Markets

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