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European monetary union and capital markets [electornic resources] / edited by J. Jay Choi, Jeffrey M. Wrase.

  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: Amsterdam : JAI 2001.
  • 叢書名: International finance review ,v. 2
  • 主題: Economic and Monetary Union , Capital market--European Union countries , Business & Economics--Finance , Business & Economics--International , International economics , EU (European Union)
  • ISBN: 9781849501286
  • URL: Connect to Emerald resource
  • 一般註:99年度中區共購共享電子書 Historical overview of the transition to monetary union in Europe / Kerk Phillips, Jeffrey M.Wrase -- Country and industry effects in Euroland's equity markets / Ivo J.M. Arnold -- Intra-day transmission of international stock prices / Cheol S. Eun, Jin-Gil Jeong -- Organization and policy procedures of the European system of central banks / JeffreyM. Wrase -- Monetary and fiscal policy rules in the european economic and monetary union : a simulation analysis / Gottfried Haber, Reinhard Neck, Warwick J. McKibbin -- A retrospective structural break analysis of the French German interestrate differential in the run-up to EMU / Jâerãome Henry, Peter McAdam -- Is there potential for monetary union outside Europe? / Vince Hooper -- Monetary union expansion : the role ofmarket power in trade / Mark M. Spiegel -- The European monetary union/ Lall B. Ramrattan, Cathyann D. Tully, Michael Szenberg -- The euro exchange rate and consumer prices / Sinimaaria Ranki -- Monetary union and market integration : capital and goods market issues pertaining to the launching of the euro / J. Jay Choi, Jeffrey M. Wrase -- Volatility and misalignments of EMS and other currencies during 1974-1998 / Michael G. Papaioannou -- The impact of the euro on primary equity markets / E.K. Gatzonas
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000219080 | 機讀編目格式


Considers effects on capital and goods markets of monetary union in general and European Monetary Union (EMU) in particular. This volume addresses the effects of monetary union, which fall into three categories - adjustments in goods and labor markets, adjustments in money and capital markets, and institutional adjustments.


To form a more perfect economic union and to establish a single market financially, economically and politically, 11 European countries founded a common currency and a European Central Bank, and created a new monetary unit, the euro, on 1st January, 1999. On that date, the old national currencies officially became subunits of the euro, much as the nickel and quarter are subunits of the dollar. Fifteen countries started down the road to monetary union in 1992, when they signed the Treaty onEuropean Union, commonly known as the Maastricht Treaty, which outlined a basic structure for the alliance. However, of those 15 countries, only 11 initially joined the European Monetary Union (EMU):three countries opted out, and another did not meet the economic criteria established for membership in the union. The EMU countries decided that the benefits of having one common currency instead of11 different ones would outweigh the costs, especially given the amount of travel, trade and financial flow that takes place between these countries. This volume considers effects on capital and goods markets of monetary union in general and European Monetary Union (EMU) in particular. The effects of monetary union addressed here broadly fall into three categories - adjustmentsin goods and labor markets, adjustments in money and capital markets, and institutional adjustments when a group of countries adopt a common currency (and a common monetary policy), but retain quasi-independent fiscal (and other economic) policies. The relation between monetary union and capital market integration is also highlighted

資料來源: Google Book
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