

Advances in accounting education [electornic resources] teaching and curriculum innovations. Vol. 7 edited by J. Edward Ketz.

  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald 2005.
  • 叢書名: Advances in accounting education : teaching and curriculum innovations ,
  • 主題: Business & Economics--Accounting , Social Science--General , Accounting , Accounting--Study and teaching
  • ISBN: 9781849508698
  • URL: Connect to Emerald resource
  • 一般註:99年度中區共購共享電子書 Assessing student learning and growth through audit risk simulations/ Thomas G. Calderon -- Estimating the ratings of journals omitted in prior quality ratings / Richard A. Bernardi -- An approach to teaching ethical decision-making in accounting : analyzing the moral issue / Pete Simmons -- Screening criteria for accounting positions : an update ofthe Johnson and Johnson study / Richard Cummings -- Raising students' ethical sensitivity with a value relevance approach / Jay C. Thibodeau -- Use of ERP software in accounting : a teaching note / Mahendra Gujarathi -- Is PBL an improved delivery method for the accounting curriculum? / Constance M. Lehmann -- The effects of gender, mental imagery, andpowerpoint (tm) presentation on student attitudes / Douglas Clinton --Motivating studentinterest in accounting : a business planning approach to the introductory management accounting course / Anthony H. Catanach, Jr. -- Best practices in accounting program assessment : executive summary, AAA teaching and curriculum committee on best practices in accounting program assessment / Michael Harkness -- A writing-improvement module for accounting education / Joseph J. DaCrema -- The financial statement approach to teaching intermediate accounting / J. Gregory Bushong -- Ideas on globalizing the intermediate accounting courses / Mark Myring -- Developing practical skills with the accountant-client privilege / Marcia S. Niles -- Multi-entity partnering in accounting education: narrowing the gap between the profession and academia / Michael H. Morris
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000218948 | 機讀編目格式



Advances in Accounting Education is a refereed, academic research annual whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. Wepublish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy, i.e., explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs

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