Advances in accounting education [electornic resources] teaching and curriculum innovations. Vol. 2 edited by J. Edward Ketz.
- 其他作者:
- 出版: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald 2000.
- 叢書名: Advances in accounting education : teaching and curriculum innovations ,
- 主題: Business & Economics--Accounting , Science--History , Accounting , Curriculum planning & development , Accounting--Study and teaching
- ISBN: 9781849508728
- URL:
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- 一般註:99年度中區共購共享電子書 The dual role of critical thinking in accounting education / Alan Reinstein -- Integrating research into the initial auditing course / PaulM. Clikeman -- Analyzing an international annual report as a course project / David Schirm -- The effect of group rewards on obtaining higherachievement from cooperative learning / Gary Crudnitski -- Effective teaching techniques : perceptions of accounting faculty / Kevin D. Stocks -- Introduction to accounting : competencies for nonaccounting majors/Patricia A. Essex -- Fostering critical thinking in accounting education : implications of analytical procedures research / Stanley F. Biggs -- Problem-solving style and success in accounting curricula / Jim Kurtenbach -- The ethics construct : a multidimensional analysis in an academic setting / Mark W. McCartney -- Integrating learning strategies in accounting courses / Barbara J. Eide -- Students may blossom using Bloom's taxonomy in the accounting curriculum / Julia K. Brazelton -- An exploratory examination of the study time gap : students' and instructors' estimation of required study time / W. Darrell Walden
- 系統號: 000218943 | 機讀編目格式

Advances in Accounting Education is a refereed, academic research annual whose purpose is to meet the needs of individuals interested in the ways to improve their classroom instruction. Major changes are occurring in accounting education as a result of recommendations from the Accounting Education Change Commission, the American Institute of CPAs, the Institute of Management Accountants andthe American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (the accrediting agency) and the new 150-Hour Requirement. We publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles may be either empirical and non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy, i.e., explaining how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved