
資料來源: Google Book

Research in finance. [electornic resources] / Vol. 24 edited by Andrew H. Chen.

  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald 2008.
  • 叢書名: Research in finance ,
  • 主題: Finance--Research , Banks and banking
  • ISBN: 9781849505499
  • URL: Connect to Emerald resource
  • 一般註:99年度中區共購共享電子書 Competition in IPO underwriting : time series evidence / Mukesh Bajaj, Andrew H. Chen, Sumon C. Mazumdar -- Can delegating bank regulation to market forces really work? / C.W. Sealey -- Internal model-based capital standard and the cost of deposit insurance / Jin-Ping Lee -- Lead lenders and loan pricing / Li Hao, Gordon S. Roberts -- Regional economic conditions and aggregate bank performance / Mary Daly, John Krainer,Jose A. Lopez -- Who benefits more from global diversification? : an over-time perspective / Wan-Jiun Paul Chiou -- Overreaction and seasonality in Asian stock indices : evidence from Korea, Hong Kong and Japan /Mark Schaub, Bun Song Lee, Sun Eae Chun -- A mean-Gini approach to asset allocation involving hedge funds / C. Sherman Cheung, Clarence C.Y. Kwan, Peter C. Miu -- Incentive stocks and options with trading restrictions : not as restricted as we thought / Melanie Cao, Jason Wei --Board size and firm performance in the property-liability insurance industry / Carl Pacini, William Hillison, David Marlett -- The role of higher oil prices : a case of major developed countries / T.J. O'Neill, J. Penm, R.D. Terrell -- The futures hedging effectiveness with liquidity risk under alternative settlement specifications / Donald Lien, Mei Zhang
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000218710 | 機讀編目格式


Contains contributions on a range of important issues in research in finance and economics. This volume includes topics such as the IPO underwriting spreads, the moral hazard problems in bank regulation as well as in the cost of deposit insurance, the loan yield spreads, and the aggregate bank performance at the state-level.


This volume contains contributions on a range of important issues incurrent research in finance and economics. Topics include the IPO underwriting spreads, the moral hazard problems in bank regulation as well as in the cost of deposit insurance, the loan yield spreads, and the aggregate bank performance at the state-level. The topics in global investments such as diversification benefits, overreaction and seasonality among international stock markets are also included in this volume. The contributions to this volume also address the appropriate asset allocation of hedge funds, the effects of partial hedging in incentive stocks and options, the relation between board size and firm performance, the impact of higher oil prices on stock market returns, and the futures hedging effectiveness with alternative settlement specifications in the contracts.This volume contains articles contributed by leading experts in finance and economics. It includes articles on the hot topics of oil-prices and hedge-funds

資料來源: Google Book
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