

Research in finance. [electornic resources] / Vol. 23 edited by Andrew H. Chen.

  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald 2006.
  • 叢書名: Research in finance ,
  • 主題: Finance--Research , Banks and banking
  • ISBN: 9781849504416
  • URL: Connect to Emerald resource
  • 一般註:99年度中區共購共享電子書 Fixed income fund performance across economic states / Wayne Ferson,Darren Kisgen, Tyler Henry -- Determinants of the long term excess performance of American depository receipts listed on the New York Stock Exchange / Mark Schaub, Bruce L. McManis -- Kernel bandwidth applications to the euroand the U.S. mutual fund movements / Timothy J. Brailsford, Jack H.W. Penm, Richard D. Terrell -- Fragmentation of day versus night markets / Nivine Richie, Jeff Madura -- The share price and tradingvolume reactions of U.S.-listed foreign banks to the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 / Carl Pacini, William Hillison, Bradley K.Hobbs -- Upper bounds for American options / Mo Chaudhury -- A spread-based model for the valuation of credit derivatives with correlated defaults and counter-party risks / Chuang-Chang Chang, Yu Jih-Chieh -- Theevolution of corporate borrowers : prime versusLIBOR / Patricia A. McGraw, Kamphol Panyagometh, Gordon S. Roberts -- The determinants of private debt source / Nadeem A. Siddiqi -- Systemic banking crises / O. Emre Ergungor, James B. Thomson
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000218709 | 機讀編目格式



This volume contains contributions on a range of important issues incurrent financial research. Topics included are - the performance of fixed income mutual funds in different economic states, the determinantsof long-term excess performance of the ADRs on the NYSE, the models for forecasting the Euro/US Dollar exchange rates and the U.S. mutual funds movements, the fragmentation in day and night markets, the market reactions of the U.S.-listed foreign banks to the passage of the GLB Act of 1999, the upper bounds for American options, the spread-based modelsfor the valuation of credit derivatives, the empirical evidence on theevolution of corporate borrowers, the determinants of private debt source, and the underlying causes and resolution policies for the systematic banking crises. This is a valuable addition to the research of finance. It contains contributions from key figures the world of finance; and offers broad coverage

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