

Research in finance. [electornic resources] Vol. 21

  • 其他作者:
  • 出版: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald 2005.
  • 叢書名: Research in finance ,
  • 主題: Finance--Research , Banks and banking
  • ISBN: 9781849503136
  • URL: Connect to Emerald resource
  • 一般註:99年度中區共購共享電子書 Time diversification and stochastic dominance / Charles W. Hodges, Haim Levy, James A. Yoder -- Minority equity investments and inter-firm collaborations / Su Han Chan, John W. Kensinger, Arthur J. Keown, John D. Martin -- Size and book-to-market effects in the returns on information technology stocks / Quang-Ngoc Nguyen, Thomas A. Fetherston, Jonathan A. Batten -- Implied volatilities and auditor reputation : the Andersen case / Jonathan M. Godbey, James W. Mahar -- Secondary equity offerings : the case of installments receipts / Narat Charupat, C.Sherman Cheung -- A new approach to testing PPP : evidence from the yen / T.J. Brailsford, J.H.W. Penm, R.D. Terrell -- Correlation among stock markets under different exchange rate systems / Paul Sarmas -- Multiple bankingas a commitmentnot to rescue / Paul Povel -- Opportunity cost and prudentiality : an analysis of collateral decisions in bilateral and multilateral settings / Herbert L. Baer, Virginia G. France, James T. Moser -- Collateralization and the number of lenders in private debt contracts : an empirical analysis / Gordon S. Roberts, Nadeem A. Siddiqi -- An examination of the efficiency of single vs. multiple common bond creditunions / James D. Tripp, Peppi M. Kenny, Don T. Johnson
  • 讀者標籤:
  • 引用連結:
  • 系統號: 000218707 | 機讀編目格式



A total of eleven papers in this volume represent recent research onimportant topics in finance. The contributions include analyses of issues relating to asset prices, the behaviour of stock returns, and capital-raising activities. Hodges, et al employ stochastic dominance arguments to show that the efficiency of time diversification depends on the degree of autocorrelation in security returns. In their study of the announcement effects of ninety-three minority equity investments, Chan, et. al find a neutral stock price response on average for acquiring firms but a significantly positive response for selling firms. Nguyen, et al provide evidence on the returns structure of U.S. information technology stocks surrounding the bursting of the internet bubble in early 2000. In a study ofthe informational effects of auditor reputation, Godbyand Mahar, Jr. find that implied volatilitiesfor firms audited by Andersen have increased relative to those for firms audited by other Big Five firms. Charaput and Chang find that the usage of installment receipts enhances liquidity in Canadiansecondary equity offerings. The contributions to this volume also examine important issues in international finance and financial institutions. Brailsford, et al use a VECM technique to examine Purchasing Power Parity and causality between the yen and the dollar. Sarmas studies the impact of Hong Kong's fixed exchange rate system and Singapore's floating exchange rate system on the correlation between the US and the two respective countries' stock markets. Povel develops a theoretical model to explain multiple banking as a commitment device. Baer, et al develop a model and empirically examinehow the creation of a futures clearinghouse can reduce the need for margin in bilateral and multilateral settings. Roberts and Siddiqi provide an empirical analysis of the link between collateralization and the number of lenders in private debt contracts. Finally, Tripp et al empirically examine the re

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