科學的足跡 系列二 = The mechanical universe and beyond / 大衛.古斯丁(David Goodstein)著 ; 加州理工學院製作.
- 作者: 古斯丁 (Goodstein, David) 著
- 其他作者:
- 其他題名:
- The mechanical universe and beyond
- 27.從電學到相對論=Beyond the mechanical universe;靜電=Static electricity.
- 29.電場=The electric field;30.電容與電位=Potential and capacitance.
- 31.電壓,電能與電力=Voltage, energy and force;32.電池=The electric battery.
- 33.電流=Electric currents;34.磁性=Magnets.
- 35.磁場=Magnetic fields;36.向量場與流體力學=Vector fields & hydrodynamics.
- 37.電磁感應=Electromagnetic introduction;38.交流電=Alternating current.
- 39.馬克士威方程組=Maxwell's equations;40.光學=Optics.
- 41.邁克生-莫立實驗=The michelson-morely experiment;42.相對論:勞倫茲變換=The lorentz transformation.
- 43.相對論:速度和時間=Velocity and time;44.相對論: 能量、動量與質量=Mass, momentum, energy.
- 45.溫度與氣體定律=Temperature;46.自然界的熱機=Engine of nature.
- 47.熵=Entropy;48.低溫=Low temperatures.
- 49.原子=The atom;50.粒子與波=Particles and waves.
- 51.從原子到夸克=From atoms to quarkd;52.量子力學宇宙=The quantum mechanical universe.
- 出版: 臺北市 : 百合文化 2007[民96].
- 主題: 物理
- 一般註:含公播授權證明書(V9802-020) 普遍級 英語發音 中英文字幕 本館收錄集數:29-52 27.從電學到相對論=Beyond the mechanical universe;靜電=Static electricity 29.電場=The electric field;30.電容與電位=Potential and capacitance 31.電壓,電能與電力=Voltage, energy and force;32.電池=The electric battery 33.電流=Electric currents;34.磁性=Magnets 35.磁場=Magnetic fields;36.向量場與流體力學=Vector fields & hydrodynamics 37.電磁感應=Electromagnetic introduction;38.交流電=Alternating current 39.馬克士威方程組=Maxwell's equations;40.光學=Optics 41.邁克生-莫立實驗=The michelson-morely experiment;42.相對論:勞倫茲變換=The lorentz transformation 43.相對論:速度和時間=Velocity and time;44.相對論: 能量、動量與質量=Mass, momentum, energy 45.溫度與氣體定律=Temperature;46.自然界的熱機=Engine of nature 47.熵=Entropy;48.低溫=Low temperatures 49.原子=The atom;50.粒子與波=Particles and waves 51.從原子到夸克=From atoms to quarkd;52.量子力學宇宙=The quantum mechanical universe
- 系統號: 000198855 | 機讀編目格式