女性不孕食療方 [電子書] / 周儉, 黃莉莉, 韋雪蘭編著.
- 作者: 周儉
- 其他作者:
- 出版: 北京 : 中國醫藥科技出版社 2005.
- 叢書名: 食療保健康系列. 26
- 主題: 不孕症--食物療法--食譜
- ISBN: 7506731266 :: 人民幣3.33
- URL:
- 一般註:需要下載並安裝APABI Reader軟件閱讀電子圖書 第一批中文電子書共建共享聯盟I (教育部補助)
- 系統號: 000182623 | 機讀編目格式

Capital is the primary source for mobilisation of other resources that are required to achieve economic development. Capital markets play a predominant role in accumulation of capital for corporates through which economic development is possible. Thus performance of capital markets is the best indicator of economic progress. India is identified as the fastest growing economy in the world and received a phenomenon response from global investors in the recent past. India is a good potential market to be occupied in coming years and highly prospective investment avenue for the corporates to penetrate. Recent liberalisation and globalisation measures ensured the foreign capital and technology inflow into the country which stemmed further economic growth. Thus India is in urge for more efficient capital markets for the future to ensure and facilitate economic development.