學英語文法不要想太多 / 李洋.
左右逢源的說話藝術 [電子書] / 李洋, 解渝波編著.
夢想前場 : 李洋 = Lee Yang / 李洋口述 ; 裴凡強採訪撰文.
Facebook平台霸主 [電子書] / 林志共,王靜著.
潮爆中國 = Chic China chic / 李照興著.
Ergonomic insights [electronic resource] : successes and failures of work design / edited by Nektarios Karanikas and Sara Pazell.
CLIL experiences in secondary and tertiary education [electronic resource] : in search of good practices / David Lasagabaster and Aintzane Doiz (eds).
Transforming HR [Electronic resource] how to get shared services, outsourcing and business partnering to deliver what you want Ian Hunter and Jane Saunders.