
資料來源: Google Book

Breastfeeding FAQs [videorecording] ask the experts adirector, writer, Stephanie Scholz Neurohr;director, Robin Creasman;executive producers, G. Hunt Neurohr, Stephanie S. Neurohr.


This award-winning series DVD presents rarely-captured mother-to-mother advice in a fun, fast-paced, and fact-filled interactive group discussion with expert and educator mothers answering Frequently Asked Questions about breastfeeding.Invaluable information on breastfeeding from a variety of expert/experienced mother perspectives is presented, covering everything from the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby, Preparation, Getting Started, Strategies for Success, Problems and Solutions, Breastfeeding and Returning to Work, How to be Your Own Advocate, Legal Rights to Breastfeed in Public, and Much More. Breastfeeding FAQs: Ask the Experts is the perfect complementary video resource to the instructional DVDs in the award-winning Mother of 7 Birth and Breastfeeding Series: Breastfeeding Basics, Breastfeeding Intensive, and Breastfeeding Comprehensive.Breastfeeding FAQs: Ask the Experts, produced by Mother of 7, Inc., meets the WHO Code.


A question-and-answer program featuring a panel of breastfeeding experts and experienced mothers, covering: the benefits of breastfeeding;breastfeeding strategies; breastfeeding problems; world health authority recommendations; legal rights

資料來源: Google Book
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