韓國大邱 [電子書] : 安東.慶州.榮州.浦項 慶尚北道輕鬆遊 / Joyce Cheuk著
Developing creative economy through disruptive leadership [electronic resource] : emerging research and opportunities / by Kristin Joyce Tardif.
Research design in aging and social gerontology : quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods / Joyce Weil.
The death of karen silkwood / Joyce Hannam.
逆轉人生的思想 : 12項策略贏得心思的戰場 / 喬依絲.邁爾(Joyce Meyer)著 ; 林芳如譯.
一個人去旅行 : 打工度假版 : 挑一個新身分到異鄉體驗人生 / 宥勝等著.