
1.〈吾愛吾徒 I Love My Students〉 古人云:「得天下英才而教之,不亦樂乎」,我卻不在乎我的徒弟是不是英才,對我而言,我的徒弟們一概是「小子」, The ancients wrote, “To obtain and teach the great talents of the world, is it not a joy?” I, on the other hand, don’t care whether my students are great talents—to me, they’re all “lads”. 2.〈我是誰Who Am I?〉 教宗庇護二世去世了。去世教宗的靈魂悠悠地到達了天堂。走著走著,他看到了一個「天堂報到處」的牌子。他走了進去,裡面的辦事員笑嘻嘻地問他,「請問你是誰」? Pope Pius II was dead. The soul of the deceased pope floated airily up to heaven. He walked and walked until he saw a sign that said “Heaven Check-in”. He walked in. An employee inside cheerfully asked him, “Who are you?” 3.〈視力與偏見Sight and prejudice〉 在從紐約到波士頓的火車上,我發現我隔壁座的老先生是位盲人…… While riding the train from New York to Boston, I discovered that the elderly man sitting next to me was blind. 4.〈我已長大了Growing Up〉 我提起社會公義的問題,爸爸沒有和我辯論,只說社會該講公義,更該講寬恕。他說:「我們都有希望別人寬恕我們的可能」。 I mentioned the question of social justice. Dad didn’t argue with me—he only said that society ought to revere justice, but it ought to revere forgiveness even more. “Each of us may one day hope to be forgiven by others,” he said. 5.〈富翁與乞丐 The Rich Man and the Beggar〉 在英國,我常看到古怪名字的店,可是叫「富翁與乞丐」的飯店,還是第一次見到,使我大為好奇。 I had often seen shops with strange names in England, but this was the first time I had ever seen a restaurant called “The Rich Man and the Beggar”. My curiosity was aroused. 6.〈車票 Tickets〉 孫修女告訴我,她們通常不喜歡去找出棄嬰的過去身世,因此她們一直保留了這兩張車票,等我長大了再說。她們觀察我很久,最後的結論是我很理智,應該有能力處理這件事了。 Sister Sun told me that they normally preferred not to go digging up the pasts of abandoned babies, so they had kept these two tickets and waited for me to grow up. They had watched me for a long time, eventually concluding that I was rational enough to deal with this on my own. 7.〈胎記 The Birthmark〉 夜已深,小約瑟從他骯髒的背包裡找出了他的十字架,親吻了十字架上的耶穌,喃喃地說:「耶穌,我仍是個好孩子,保佑我平安地度過這一夜,不要讓壞人來殺我。」 It was late at night. Little Joseph pulled his crucifix from his filthy backpack and kissed the Christ on the cross, then muttered, “Jesus, I’m still a good boy. Please bless that I may pass this night in peace, and don’t let the bad men come and murder me.” 8.〈真面目 True Face〉 My boss is one of the most notorious dictators in the world. After the Watergate scandal erupted, he developed a keen interest in audio surveillance systems. On one occasion he told me he wished he had some sort of system that would enable him to know what his visitors were really thinking. 我的老闆是世界上最聲名狼籍的獨裁者之一。水門案件爆發以後,他對監聽系統產生了極大的興趣,有一次,他對我說,他希望能有一種系統,可以讓他知道訪客的真正想法。
作者簡介 李家同,民國28年生,台大電機系學士,美國加州柏克萊大學電機博士。歷任清華大學工學院院長、教務長以及代校長、靜宜大學校長、暨南大學校長,現任暨南大學教授。 李教授曾獲得五次連續的國科會傑出研究獎,教育部工科學術獎、侯金堆傑出榮譽獎和旺宏電子講座教授,他是美國電機電子學會的榮譽會士,並且曾擔任過十一種國際學術刊物的編輯委員。 李教授也是短篇小說作家。他的小說親切、自然、發人深省。《讓高牆倒下吧》、《陌生人》、《鐘聲又再響起》等書感動了無數人心。 李教授關心英語教育,他所寫的《專門替中國人寫的英文基本文法》成為最新、最暢銷的英文文法書;他所企劃的《專門替中國人寫的英文課本》(光碟版)也成為英文學習者的第一選擇。他同時也投身基礎數學教育,他為中學生編寫實用的數學課本,期望透過詳細解說,讓學生更容易理解,邏輯思考更清晰。已出版《專門為中學生寫的數學課本》。